3 Reasons To Consider Getting An Online Car Collision Repair Quote

25 August 2017
 Categories: Automotive, Blog


When you think about getting quotes for car collision repair, you might think about taking your car to various shops to have it looked at by a few professionals. Even though this might be the traditional way of getting car collision repair quotes, you should know that many shops now allow you to submit a request for a quote online. These are a few reasons why this can be a handy feature to take advantage of when your car is in need of repair.

1. Avoid Worrying About Getting Your Vehicle to the Shop

First of all, in some cases, it can be next to impossible to take your car to multiple shops because your car might not be fully operable after an accident. With an online quote, you do not have to worry about having your car towed to various shops. Instead, you can get quotes without having to worry about actually driving your car. Then, when you do finally choose a shop, you can simply have your car towed to one place.

2. Get Multiple Quotes at Once

Even if your car is operable, the truth is that going around and getting quotes for collision repair can be a time-consuming process. If you're pushed for time, you might not have hours to spend on this. With the option to get quotes from multiple companies online, however, you can get quotes from the comfort of your home or office. This can save you a ton of time while still helping you find the best and most affordable shop.

3. Enjoy More Accurate Results Than You Think

Many people don't think that they can get an accurate quote for car collision repair by filling out an online form. Of course, it's true that if you want your most accurate quote, you're probably going to need to have the car looked at in person. However, nowadays, many companies that offer online quotes will allow you to upload pictures of your vehicle so that they can get a better idea of the problem. You can even snap multiple pictures with your smartphone and submit your request that way. Between the ability to easily send pictures and the new and improved technology that some of the more modern car collision repair companies are using nowadays, you might be surprised by just how accurate the quote can be when you fill out an online form.

To learn more about your options for getting your car repaired after an accident, contact an auto body shop like Accurate Auto Body.